Truffles – The Fruiting Body of an Underground Mushroom

Black Truffles

Tuber melanosporum or black truffle is a form of fungus that grows underground. They

are spherical in shape and have a rough outer surface. This variety of truffle only survives

in conditions found in Mediterranean countries. Spain is one of the main producers along

with Italy and France.


Truffles grow on the roots of the Holm Oak in a symbionic relationship. In simple

terms, this means that they grow in harmony with, and of benefit to, each other. The

black truffle ports certain nutrients directly into the root system of the host tree and in

return, the tree gives the black truffle a place to live, grow and propagate. Black truffles

generally grow just under the surface of the soil to a depth of about 30 cm (about 10



Black truffles prefer a rocky, marginal type of soil with low clay content, well

decomposed organic matter, well drained with a high ph between 7.0 – 8.5. The black

truffle is found in the wild between the latitudes 40 N to 47 N. This basically corresponds

to Valencia in Spain to Paris in France. Although it is mostly found in Spain, France and

Italy,it doers grow in Hungary and the former Yugoslavia region.


Spain is the largest producer of black truffle but black truffle farms have also been

established in Tasmania, New Zealand, Australia, South America and the USA. There has

been a mixed degree of success on farm outside Europe as the black truffle is not native

to these areas of the world.


With proper planning and management, land almost anywhere can be made suitableto

grow black truffles. If you live in a part of the world where a black truffle farm is not

feasible for whatever reason, there are other types of truffles that may be able to be

grown successfully in your area. Even though these other varities of truffle may be of

lesser commercial value, they can still be well worth the effort.


Why grow Truffles in Australia?


Growing truffles in Western Australia is a speculative venture at the present time.

There have been five truffle orchards established in Western Australia in the past five

years. The New Zealand success has proven that truffles can be grown in the Southern

Hemisphere very successfully.


Black truffles are an expensive delicacy. The truffle season in Europe is from November

to February when they can fetch prices up to $9000/kilo. In Australia, the season is May

to Augus twhich makes it ideal for exporting fresh truffles to the northern hemisphere for

their off season. Besides this, the climate in the South West of Western Australia is ideal

for truffle orchards, as it is similar to the natural growing environment of the Bordeaux

Region in Southern France.


About cricket-lover

I love to write. Blogging my hobby.
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